Is Alcohol Ruining your life?

Can you quit Drinking Alcohol?

How does one actually quit the booze?

We Think Anyone Can

What are the pros and cons of drinking?

Most alcohol consumers have never really stopped to think about this, I know I never did. It’s just what I did. It’s what I always did. Since high school days. It was just socially acceptable. In fact, you are weird if you don’t. It’s what my Dad did, my Brother, my huge family, it’s what everyone just did. Sound familiar?

The pros are: get loose and catch a buzz for a short time, get happy, be socially cool for a few hours. About it.

The cons are endless:

Your body revolts from it, because it is in fact a poison. Hard Stop. That’s what it is.
It’s burning every organ it touches on the way down. It makes you sick. Makes you fat and soft. Makes you dumb.
Makes you get in fights with strangers and/or loved ones.
Causes you to do very foolish things that can hurt your relationships.
Makes some people throw up everywhere, that’s sexy. Some even black out.
Hangovers can ruin days in a row.
Can become horribly addicted to it.
Destroys Families.
Causes a litany of mental and physical health issues.
Hurts your organs. Hurts your brain.
The long term health effects are staggering if you have never looked into them.
The money spent can be staggering.
Time lost with family members, children.

If any other substance did those things to people they would be banned. If apples made you blackout and punch somebody in the face for no reason, we wouldn’t be like “Hey you should go pick up some apples for your kids this week.

It’s a crazy thing that we have normalized.

When you are young, it’s like cool to get drunk and go out at 3 am to get pizza at Dominos and get in a fight for no reason and break up with your girlfriend.
Yeah, that’s cool, that’s funny.

But, as you get older, you know what’s cool?
Having your life together.
That’s cool.
Waking up early on Sunday morning without a splitting headache and feeling like trash wondering who you pissed off last night.
That’s cool.
You know, getting things done. Instead of feeling like death. Doing things I want to do and enjoy doing, on this beautiful Sunday. That’s super cool. That’s actually a wonderful feeling.

As soon as that became my every Sunday, I was like HEY!! Maybe the poison isn’t adding anything of value to your life!

I guarantee you will be better at whatever you’re doing WITHOUT alcohol.
A better mom, dad, husband, wife, athlete, student, teacher, business executive, etc etc…
Not to say you aren’t doing a great job already.
You will become EVEN BETTER.
Don’t wait to make your life any more complicated before making changes.
If you’re already on the journey KEEP FREAKING GOING, we are so proud of you!

So Yes, many smart people are quitting drinking and getting Sober. If you have tried everything and would like help. Click the button below

Sometimes, you just have to get to the end of your rope, completely burned out, before you can make a change.

People have asked me about my personal story quitting alcohol. So, here it is.