i quit drinking

want to quit drinking alcohol?

Click Below to find out how

The only way I could quit, was using this online class by Craig Beck. It took me awhile, it will take awhile for you as well, but everything clicked in my stubborn brain, once I used this information and did what he said.

My Story

On Dec 29th, 2023, I made a very unpopular decision to end my complicated relationship with alcohol. I had known for years I wanted to quit, but never could. There was always the next day where I felt the anxiety creep up and I wanted, no nay, demanded a drink. But on that day, I came to the realization that alcohol was unnecessarily complicating my life. Earlier in the year I had researched online how to quit alcohol. And, of course, facebook and youtube were spying on me…. and served me an ad about quitting alcohol by Craig Beck. I watched the entire ad and all of it made sense. So, I opened the page and just left it on my computer for a couple months. Then at some point later on that year, I went back, watched the entire online presentation, and purchased his well made course. I knew this would not be an overnight change. This is a really large shift, a journey, and if anyone tells you different they are wrong. I kept watching the videos over and over around the first of November of that year. I first went about 5 days dry, then 3 days wet. Then another 7 days dry, then another 4 days wet. Then another 7 days dry, then another 4 days wet. Finally I went 7 days dry, 1 more night wet, the 29th of Dec 2023, and woke up the next morning with a massive hangover and I was done. The rest is history. I couldn’t be happier. I feel better, I jump out of bed in the morning ready for the day. I’ve lost weight, my snoring has subsided. My relationships are better, my work is better. It’s just an all around win win. And, you can do it too. BUT, I tried for years by myself, and that DID NOT work. If you have been searching, praying, hoping for a miracle, then take the plunge, click on the button to the right and begin your sober journey.

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